Monday, March 24, 2014


1. What does HDR stand for?
High Dynamic Range
2. In your own words, explain what makes an HDR photo an HDR photo?
2 pictures of the same object with different exposure layered atop of each other , it creates a wider and deeper range of colors.
3. What is bracketing?
hen several shots of the same subject are taken with varying exposures.
4. What software can you use to produce an HDR image?
5. When selecting layers, what do you have to be careful about when creating your HDR photos?
To not go to the extreme and combine dozens of photos

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

family portraits preview

1. Whose family will you photograph?
My family

2. Where will you shoot?
My house or in a park

3. What type of lighting will you use?
Sun, or indoor lighting

4. What challenges will you encounter?
trying to get them to actually do good poses

5. How will you deal with these challenges?


Pet Portraits Preview

1. What type of pet will you photography?
A miniature poodle

2. Where will you shoot?
park, or in my backyard

3. What type of lighting will you use?
Sun, indoor light

4. What challenges will you encounter?
trying to get him do something, or capturing the dog while moving

5. How will you overcome these challenges?
Faster shutter speed.
